Monday, March 30, 2015

Exclusive! Star Wars: Rebels Season 2 Spoilers!

spoilers incoming!

Happy Monday party peoples! We have some info regarding Star Wars: Rebels Season 2 today! Hit the jump for all the plump juicy details! Beware! Spoilers incoming!

This was sent to us over the weekend from a source claiming to be involved with Dave Filoni's production team. They wish to be called "Lothal Leaker." Here's what they had to say!

Hey FakingStarWars! I love what you guys do so keep on faking! Here are some plot details from the upcoming season of Rebels.

Ezra’s parents are revealed in season 2.  Ezra’s father is not Captain Rex of The Clone Wars but a Rebel leader who was killed years earlier. They were the true founders of the rebellion which Ezra learns from Ahsoka. Ezra’s mother was also killed at the same time his father was.

voicing Lana Ren

Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character, Lana Ren, will be introduced in the first episode of season 2 as a new Rebel recruit. She is assigned to work closely with the Ghost Crew. Hera doesn’t trust her or like her because she flirts with Kanan. She will be revealed to be a turncoat to the audience mid-way through the season and to the Rebels in the season finale. Also from what I understand, she will be the mother of The Force Awaken's Kylo Ren.

The bromance between Zeb and Ezra gets hot and heavy as they compete Legolas/Gimli-style in a battle mirroring Helm's Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Near the end of the season Ezra and Sabine share an awkward kiss.


Along with Billy Dee Williams returning to the role of Lando, we get to see the first appearance in the timeline of Han Solo. Dave Filoni tried his hardest to get Harrison Ford to do the voice but he had no interest in voicing an animated character. Anthony Ingruber will be voicing him though. Han will already have the Falcon in his possession but he has not met Chewbacca yet. Another OT character will be his co-pilot, Nien Nunb. Han will be in 2 episodes. The first shared with Lando who is riding around with Han and Nien.

In the first episode featuring Han, the Ghost crew hires him to smuggle them to the planet Taanab. There is an Imperial blockade and they heard that Han is the only person able to fly through a blockade of this size. I don't want to spoil what happens here, but Lando steals the show and does what is briefly mentioned by Han in Return of the Jedi. Nien joins the Rebel Alliance at this point so Han needs a new co-pilot. He tries to persuade Zeb to join him since they hit it off but Zeb declines and says a Wookiee would better suit his needs, alluring to Chewbacca.

Han’s second appearance is once again due to the Ghost crew hiring him but this time to go to Kashyyk to stop Imperials from abducting Wookiees for slave labor. This is when Han meets Chewbacca for the first time. Han literally saves Chewie’s life and this is why he forms the life debt to him. We don’t see Chewbacca’s family and it’s not implied that he has a wife and kid, but Life Day is mentioned. Han makes a comment at the end of the episode about wanting to try to do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs; Kanan tells him he is crazy.


Lando will have another appearance aside from the Taanab episode. He will contact the Ghost crew when he finds out that Azmorigan has placed a huge bounty on his head. Lando requests that the Ghost crew help him get away from a group of bounty hunters led by, Boba Fett. Boba will be voiced by Daniel Logan. Simon Pegg also returns to voice Dengar. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Lana Ren will have a cool fight scene against the bounty hunters and Lando gushes over her. Azmorigan gets killed by his ship exploding, so the bounty hunters stop pursuit since they know they won’t get paid. Lobot will be tagging along with Lando at this point.

Other characters from the Clone Wars series includes: Hondo Ohnaka, Lux Bonteri, and Captain Rex. They are all involved in the Rebel Alliance and we discover Lux and Ahsoka are in a relationship together. Along with them is another Clone Wars character who will be one Vader's Inquisitors besides Lana Ren, Barris Offee. She is referred to as “the Inquisitor” as the previous one was but she doesn’t make it through the whole season due to Ahsoka besting her in a lightsaber fight. She is killed by Vader when he finds out Ahsoka is the one who defeated her in combat.

Movie characters making appearances besides Vader and Palpatine include: Mon Mothma, Rieekan, Ackbar, and Jan Dodonna. A young Leia will also make a cameo but her role isn’t that big, Ezra just makes a comment about how beautiful the princess is and we see Sabine gets a little jealous. Jar Jar Binks will also be in a few episodes. His role isn't big at all but when he speaks you can tell he has matured greatly since we last saw him. From what I hear from the storygroup, Jar Jar was on Alderaan when the Death Star blew it up in A New Hope and it will be mentioned in the Princess Leia comic.

Now this just takes the cake! A big shoutout to Lothal Leaker for sharing this info with us!

Stay tuned fakers for more poops... I mean scoops straight from the Force's mouth.

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