Monday, March 23, 2015

More The Force Awakens Rumors?!?! Star Wars Spoilerphobes BEWARE!!

yOU kNOW iT tO bE fAKE

We got this email in from a frequent FSW reader named "S.Vale" so if you know this S.Vale and you know they made it all up, give them a pat on the back. "SPOILERS" after the jump!


I won't reveal my source but you can trust my credibility.


There are 3 different versions of The Force Awakens shot simultaneously. One is directed by JJ Abrams, one by George Lucas and the other one by Nacho Vigalondo. What was shown in the teaser trailer were scenes from the 3 different movies. One has Daisy Ridley as the main character, one is Oscar Isaac and the other one, Harrison Ford. These three characters are not in the same movie. Some characters will appear in all 3 movies, but sometimes with different roles, for instance:


(DAISY'S MOVIE) BB-8 is Rey's droid. Han Solo dies in the opening scene. Chewie lost both his arms in the same scene. Poe is now an alien that has a minor role. Luke is only in one scene in the movie and is a Cyborg. Darth Plagueis is the main villain. Kylo Ren is an assassin droid. Princess Leia is head of the Republic. John Boyega is a Stormtrooper deserter .


(POE'S MOVIE) BB-8 is Poe's slave droid. Han Solo dies in the Final Scene fighting the villain. Chewie lost one arm due to BBQ explosion on Tatooine. Poe is [an] X-Wing pilot with Jedi Powers. Luke is several scenes and is the Main Villain in the movie. Darth Plagueis is not in the movie. Kylo Ren is Mark Hamill's apprentice. Princess Leia is crippled and only answers questions with Yes (one beep) No (two beeps). John Boyega is a stormtrooper that gets eaten by a beast early in the movie.


(HARRISON'S MOVIE) BB-8 is pimped up R2D2 . Han Solo is the main villain in the movie. Chewie dies during the opening crawl. Poe is a Jedi. Mark Hamill is in literally ALL scenes from TFA, no exception (playing droids, aliens, Luke even twilek dancer). Darth Plagueis is in the movie but as a dead corpse. Kylo Ren is the hero that saves the day, revealed to be C3P0 . Princess Leia becomes a Sith and builds 3rd Death Star. John Boyega is an alien princess.

There are major differences between the three movies shot together, and at the end, they will just create a huge Interactive Star Wars movie and ask the audience to vote so the story build itself.

More to come

After doing some digging, Jurassic Park-style and all three of these movies seem to connect like Rashomon or Amorres Perros. So according to this, we're actually getting three new trilogies with each sequel trilogy film for a grand total of 9 movies!


I'm going to introduce our Faking Star Scale in this post. We will share stars on how fake a "spoiler" is. 0 stars = It's Likely All True. 5 stars = Totally Fake

So on our Faking Star Scale:

totes fake

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