With everyone going to Star Wars Celebration in a few weeks, we figured it would be a good time to post our list of things to do while waiting in line to meet Jake Lloyd... wait he won't be there? Eh, go ahead click more anyway... NOW!
1. Trim neckbeard to proper Jedi Master length
2. Stare at nearest cosplayer's boobs (male or female), point, giggle, repeat
3. Livestream podcast being listened to by the same people in line with you
4. Sit on the floor and surround yourself with purchased goods in ceremonial uber nerd show of superiority
5. Make sure ewok underwear is not on over pants again
6. Daydream about smooth talking booth babes in Huttese
7. Exchange stories about doing the exact same thing years ago, only better
8. Practice lightsaber waggle despite being shoulder to shoulder with younglings who never saw it coming
9. Adjust fanny pack so it's not cramping your pooch or obstructing proper digestion of Mountain Dew Doritos salad
10. Identify unworthy nerds and try to force choke them without appearing as though you're constipated
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