Friday, March 27, 2015

Top 10 Ways to Get Under Admiral Ackbar's Flesh

allahu akbar

We all love "It's a trap!" jokes so much that Admiral Ackbar says it at really inappropriate times. Now the joke just gets under his crustacean shell and steam shoots out of all orifices. Besides the "trap" jokes here's what really ticks the admiral off...

1. Ask him if he swims both ways


2. Brazenly flash a binder with his face on the cover alongside a talk bubble declaring, "It's a Trapper Keeper!"


3. Invite him to Lobsterfest at Red Lobster


4. Sing "Underwater the fish don't stink" and just stare at him


5. Tell him he's a comedic revelation on Futurama and much better looking in 2D


6. Remove one of the casters on his admiral's chair so he slides face-first onto the deck


7. Tell him you have sun burn lotion that can fix him up real good


8. Volunteer to be his +1 and "designated admiral" for when he attends Diddy's "White" party


9. Replace the soap and shampoo in his shower with butter and lemon


10. Hang a sign by the microwave that says, "Please do not nuke any Ackbar and stink this place up."

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