Friday, April 17, 2015

Top 10 Signs You've Seen The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer #2 Too ManyTimes


Yesterday, the internet broke due to everyone watching the newly released second teaser trailer to the Force Awakens. Reports are in saying it has been viewed over 18 million times since it dropped, bypassing the first teasers views of merely 13 million views. We here at Faking Star Wars can say we are probably a million of those 18 million views and we can tell you if you have watched the video too many times. Hit the jump to see what the signs are.

You've been visiting local retirement homes and announcing "Chewie, we're home" to confused elderly folk.


You're convinced Poe Dameron's helmet is too small for his head, which is why he's always screaming in the cabin of his X-Wing.


You know the exact timestamp when a "new and improved" stormtrooper faceplants during a triple lutz attempt gone wrong.


You high-five the bloody handprint on Finn's stormtrooper helmet over and over again without getting blood on your hand.


You're combing the beach in hopes of finding a Super Star Destroyer or X-Wing.


You can quote BB-8 blip for blip.


You've stared at the reflection in the lightsaber hand-off scene for so long, you know exactly what expression is on Alf's face.


You decided to upgrade your skull collection with pedestals worthy of drifters, prostitutes, and Sith lords.


You see a Sith witch in the background of Captain Phasma's scene even though it's obviously just leftover drapery from Tarsem's The Cell starring Jennifer Lopez.


You can spot the single strand of hair from Keira Knightley used to create her clone, Daisy Ridley.


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