Thursday, April 9, 2015

Updated! 2 New Images of Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Force Awakens!


A new image of Kylo Ren has hit the web. Is it legit? Doubt it. Is it fake? Probably, so we will report on it.

This image was taken from a new Reddit leak. Here is the image of what appears to be a children's puzzle featuring Kylo Ren and Stormtroopers.

The new sith (from puzzle) - Imgur

To us here at Faking Star Wars, this appears to be a pretty good fake.


Here's second image from the same person and what they had to say about both pictures.


Regarding the first image:

The puzzle is from my father's coworker. My father has allowed me to leak this picture as long as i do not give any information of the company as this was straight from disney's style guide on star wars toys/puzzle.

Regarding the second image:

The second image i have submitted, from a star wars game style guide from disney. This IS and OFFICIAL style guide directly from disney, however i cannot disclose the company/names that are working on this.

Q: Just to clarify, what do you mean by "game style guide"?

A: A style guide is a guide a large company gives you (disney) to style toy packaging after you buy a license to make the game. They give you images to use on the packaging as long as you agree not to release the information before the movie itself (or whatever release date you have from the company)
TL;DR: a style guide is basically a few images/format for toy packaging sold to toy companies as long as the images are not released to the public. (oops)

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