Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bandai To Make The Force Awakens Action Figure Line

Hasbro has been the main manufacturer of Star Wars toys for last few decades, but it looks like Japanese toy maker Bandai may be filling their shoes for The Force Awakens. Hit the jump for all the fully poseable details.

Bandai has been manufacturing action figures for some of the most prolific Japanese action sagas ever created. It looks like the new Star Wars trilogy will be finding itself molded into history in the land of the rising sun. Let's take a look at some of the poly-scented spectre Bandai has been responsible for in the past. 

Who could forget the awesome creation Bandai produced in 2009 for the anime series "Barack Obanzai : Blood Mage of Quamerica." Real metal swords, real feel hair and a spring loaded elbow for nailing J's from downtown with the Obanzai basketball playset (sold separately.) They even later released a Jedi accessory kit so we know Bandai has dabbled in the Star Wars universe before. 

You might be asking yourself "But what about droids with hidden compartments and such?!" Trust me, droids are child's play for Bandai. After all, they created "Yazuna Deathmatchi Samurai Army Baby Mama" back in 2003. She was equipped with plenty of compartments for her samurai warlord infants and even a working poopshoot. 

FSW thinks we are in store for some of the most poseable galactic gloriousness ever available for purchase. Jacen's cousin who went into deep cover working in one of Bandai's factories overseas should have some awesome prototype photos for us soon! 

Stay tuned to Fakingstarwars.net for more as production progresses. 

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