Monday, July 20, 2015

SDCC Aftermath: Tilda Swinton Replaces Domnhall Gleeson in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Loose lips sink starships -- and apparently careers. Earlier this month at San Diego Comic Con, Star Wars: The Force Awakens actor Domhnall Gleeson let slip the name of the First Order's secret base of operations in the film. Unfortunately for him, one does not simply spoil the most anticipated film of the year without experiencing major repercussions. Find out just how high a price Gleeson paid for his faux pas below. 

The first and last image of Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux
Domhnall Gleeson was all set to play General Hux, the First Order's "Second Banana" in Star Wars: The Force Awakens before the gift of gab managed to get the better of him. On stage in Hall H at SDCC, the actor inadvertently mentioned the name of the new villain's base in the film. As soon as Gleeson uttered "Starkiller" in front of thousands of fans in attendance and millions more on social media, his fate was sealed. 

The former face of General Hux
While director JJ Abrams and Lawrence "Larry Larr" Kasdan did their best to cover up the spoiler (claiming "Starkiller" was a reference to Luke's original surname in George Lucas' draft of Star Wars) Gleeson could not escape the fallout from his error.

A source very close to my step-mother’s side of the family can confirm that days after Gleeson’s spoiler, he was relieved from his duties on the film. Fortunately, Kathleen Kennedy has managed to preserve General Hux’s androgynous ginger nature with some very shrewd re-casting.

The new face of General Hux
Domhnall Gleeson has been replaced by British actress and fashion muse, Katherine Mathilda "TildaSwinton of Kimmerghame. Swinton’s face will be digitally superimposed over Gleeson’s in post-production, and we’ve been told you can hardly tell that General Hux is now made up of the face of a woman (who looks like a man) atop the body of a man (who looks like a woman.) Apparently, the mash-up character is now even more intimidating and enigmatic than before. 

For his part, Gleeson will still be credited as General Hux but will receive lower billing. Meanwhile Swinton shall receive prioritized billing with her being the face of General Hux now.

"Snitches get stitches"
We’re still reeling from this unexpected turn of events. The moral of the story: JJ Abrams rules with an iron fist. Do not be fooled by his seemingly delicate demeanor. Speak out of line, and you’re likely to find yourself on the unemployment line.

To recap: “Starkiller” has claimed it’s first victim. While we’re we’re sad to report Gleeson’s dismissal, we look forward to what “Tilda” Swinton can bring to the role of the top-half of General Hux in  Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

(Plus, Tilda is a helluva lot easier to spell than Domhnallhnmhonoes.)

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