Monday, October 26, 2015

Meet the Editor of The Force Awakens' Full Trailer

We had the esteemed honor of interviewing the man who edited the new and final theatrical trailer for The Force Awakens.  We here at FakingStarWars can't believe our luck to being able to connect with this man, who is a household name world-wide.  What a thrill and an honor it was for us to get to sit down at our local Starbucks and discuss the edit of the trailer. After the jump, find out who it is!

FakingStarWars:  Hello Mr. Lucas. Can I just say that we are just incredibly thrilled to finally get an interview with you. 

George Lucas:  It's ok, I'm a fan!

FSW:  Oh thank you Mr. Lucas. Well first off, I think the question everyone is wondering is how things worked out to give you final edit on the theatrical trailer for The Force Awakens.?

George:  Well, that's a long story. At first I thought I was going to have a lot of creative control over the way this film developed. But my original ideas and treatments for the scripts were completely trashed by Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams. They didn't like the direction I was going.

FSW:  Oh?  How so?

George:  Well, you see I subscribe to the auteur theory of directing which states that you write who you are and what you know. The film becomes a reflection of the director's life.  My life right now is spent sponsoring race cars and drinking lattes, so there was quite a lot of that in the original treatment.

FSW:  I see. So then how did you get back to being involved?

George:  I got a call really late one night around July. JJ was completely panic-stricken. It turns out that Iger and his cronies wanted to withhold the big secrets of the film from the trailer. 

FSW:  Why would they want to do something stupid like that?

George:  You've got me, dude. I mean, how are fans going to decide to put down their lattes, turn off the car race on TV, and actually physically move all the way to the theater and pay actual money for a ticket unless you show them exactly what they'll be seeing?

FSW:  Um, duh?

George:  So JJ stepped in and we agreed to a compromise; all the secrets in the film would be revealed, as long as the trailer could be cut and signed of on by yours truly. That's how it happened. 

FSW:  What were some of the big secrets you were sure to put in the trailer so fans would know what happens in the movie?

George:  It was very important to JJ that we make it clear that Chewbacca wears a new accessory during the film. That's why you see that shot of him raising his arm up. It's custom wookiee arm band, similar to a FitBit. You see, Chewie has been getting a little plump in his old age.

Chewie will be trying to awaken his own youthful force in this movie.
FSW:  Wow, fascinating. Can you tell us some of the other secrets that you cut into the trailer?

George:  Sure, I'd be happy to. There's been a long-standing rumor that because of Rey's high midichlorian count, she can't produce tears. I think I read a rumor on one of those other fan pages with a theory about how the cellular mitosis secretes an enzyme or something that inhibits the tear ducts. We wanted to make it abundantly clear this rumor is malarkey - midichlorians do not inhibit tear production at all. Also we wanted to show her crying. So that's why that shot of here sobbing is in the trailer. Actually the next shot shows her chopping onions on a cutting board, but that didn't need to be in the trailer to dispel the rumor about tear production.

FSW: Fascinating. So, could you tell us why you chose to grant this interview to us as

George:  Wait, this is  I thought it was!  Oh no, this wasn't approved in my NDA!

(Lucas gets up and runs from the table)

FSW:  Wait George, come back!  You forgot your latte!  

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