Monday, October 19, 2015

Top 10 Easter Eggs Discovered on The Force Awakens Poster

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a new Star Wars poster is easily like double or even triple that! That's why we've spent the last 24 hours analyzing and decoding this new NON-DREW STRUZAN PHOTOSHOPPED THING-A-MABOB. And lemme tell ya, JJ Abrams is one tricky dicky! After the jump, see the top 10 Easter eggs we've discovered on The Force Awakens poster.

10. Faint cursive in the top left spells out the word "help" in Drew Struzan's hand. We speculate Disney and Bad Robot may be holding the aging artist captive for refusing to finish the poster he started.

09. Maz Kanata is wearing a Darth Vader chest piece and holding a contract with Hayden Christensen’s name on it.

08. Greg Grunberg posed to capture the subtleties and individuality of each stormtrooper seen to the left and right of the film’s logo. The Photoshop “artist” painted the troopers using Grunburger grease from nearly 5,000 soaked wrappers.

07. The lens flare in the center of the poster is actually a QR code that reveals the whereabouts of Lawrence “Larry Larr” Kasdan’s secret stash of Darth Vegas swag.

06. Starkiller base is not a base at all. The Death Star 3 is actually a planet-sized droid controlled by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. If you look closely, you can see its eyelashes.

05. Rey's staff is made from a 96 Silverado drive shaft based on the serial number on it.

04. When not in his black X-Wing, ace pilot Poe Dameron does absolutely nothing, sulking with his arms crossed as he'd rather be flying. At least that’s what we first thought… until we zoomed in and discovered his arms are actually making an Illuminati symbol. We’ve reached out to Beyonce and Jay-Z for a statement but have yet to hear back.

03. Showing signs of premature wookiee senility, Chewbacca still has the safety on his bowcaster despite acting as though he’s about to blast something.

02. Josh Trank's name and a nasty message to Disney can be seen written on the little lines on the top of Finn's jacket.

01. If you print the poster out on standard office supply paper and hold it up to certain types of light, wonderful things happen. Hold the poster to bright light, and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker appears over Finn’s shoulder. Hold the poster up to a black light, and Supreme Commander Snoke appears over Kylo Ren’s shoulder. “The darkness… the light” – all makes perfect sense now. So cool, JJ!

Bonus nuggets!
  • JohnBoyega’s name was mispelled as John Bootyega in the credits
  • Under her scavenger homeless person robe, Rey is wearing a Ronda Rousey “NO DNB'S” shirt
  • Han Solo-san is wearing a chinese collared shirt because of China
  • Rey is wearing a house arrest bracelet on her wrist, which aligns with the rampant fanboy theory that she is in fact the Star Wars galaxy’s version of Lindsay Lohan
  • Captain Phasma is on logo watch -- always -- on the Star Wars logo

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