An Easter Bunny by the name of Two_suns dropped the following scoop on Reddit earlier today. Rest assured, we are working diligently to verify whether this report is a genuine fake or not. Until then, take with a grain of salt. SPOILERS: This may be true.
I understand that most of you will not believe me, and that is your right.
Most people who claim to know everything about this movie are extremely misinformed and are being fed lies that they take are true. Amongst these lies are a couple of facts that legitimize them ( Description of the first teaser.. etc ). Now I shall not come and claim that I have seen the movie, but I am in a position where I have seen the trailer which has been prepared for the celebration and I wish to share this with you. Take it with a grain of salt as you should with everyone claiming to know information about the movie, but I shall be validated within two weeks.
*Poe Dameron is flying a black X-wing and there is destruction around him.
*Rey is running from someone in a snowy environment.
*Han Solo, [Chewbacca], and Finn shoot at stormtroopers in the distance.
*(The music intensifies here, I think it is a rendition of Duel of the Fates.)
*A lot of quick scenes
*R2D2 screaming
*3 aliens, two blue and one red, looking up
*C3PO seems to be on the bridge of a Star destroyer (I'm not sure )
*We see a strange looking storm trooper draw what looks like a lightsaber, but it isn't ignited.
*Star Destroyers and TIE fighters
*We see and hear Leia screaming" No!" ( These are the first words uttered in the trailer )
*Screen goes dark
*We now see Kylo Ren charging at someone from afar whilst yelling " Have you no honor? ".
*Screen goes black again
*A green lightsaber meets his lightsaber and sparks crackle.
You get a sense of desperation and destruction watching the trailer, and it's almost as if the state of the galaxy has gotten much worse since the death of the Emperor.
That is all I have to share with you. Thanks people for your time and have a Happy Easter.
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