Monday, May 11, 2015

The Black Pirate Stormtrooper Revealed!

A lot of fans have been wondering who that OT black stromtrooper gear clad bloak is in the back of the group shot in Vanity Fair. FSW has exclusive cast info regarding this character and we're sure you're gonna love it!

The Black Pirate Stormtrooper is a party hard baller with an itchy trigger finger, so who else could they get to play him other than Pitbull? Though it was actually a late casting change from Mark Wahlberg, we think they made the right call. (You can still see a Markie Mark easter egg on the stormtrooper's helmet, which reads FEAR... a reference to the former head of the Funky Bunch's breakout role as a nutjob boyfriend in a rollercoaster of a film!)

The Vanity Fair shot was taken before the casting change and the text on his helmet reads "Fear" -- a reference to the former head of the Funky Bunch's breakout role as a nutjob boyfriend in a rollercoaster of a film titled Fear! The helmet that appears on Pitbull in the film apparently has the Bud Light logo across the forehead. No one initiates infectious pelvic thrusting quite like Pitbull and Maz Kanta has no intention of stopping the party at her pirate cantina code named "the hollow leg" during shooting. 

The Bull has a musical moment reminiscent of the cantina scene in A New Hope. This time around the music will be accompanied by a hot twerk'lek dancer and a backup trooper dance squad laying down the hottest moves since Step Up 3! To which we say "Dale!" as Mr. 305 is sure to be a hit all across the galaxy.

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