Tell her she is responsible for your astronomically high midichlorian count, then wave your hand in your own face, and say "You will love Mom forever."
Make her breakfast in bed complete with Star Wars character-shaped pancakes, Darth Vader-silhouette toast, and a blue milk smoothie.
Confess to her that you know your uncle is your father, and you're perfectly okay with that, but you're wondering if you could grow up to be a scoundrel instead of a boy/girlscout anyway.
Arrange for her to take a relaxing hot air balloon ride along the countryside kept aloft by a balloon that looks exactly like Darth Vader's helmet or a Death Star.
Organize "Star Wars Celebration Mom's House" and have Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and George Lucas show up as superfans of your mom's... have them pay her for autographs and pictures, and have them attend panels held throughout the house dedicated to her many accomplishments and upcoming projects.
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