Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Third Star Wars Anthology Film Officially Announced!

Today Lucasfilm and Disney have announced the title and starring actor of the third Star Wars Anthology film. Join us after the break for the reveal.

You got it folks, Jacen's cousin has reported confirmation that the third anthology will be titled, Rogue Squadron: A Star Wars Story. What is even more interesting is that the film is set to star actor Dennis Lawson who appeared in the Original Trilogy as X-wing pilot, Wedge Antillies.

This comes as a huge surprise to the fans of Star Wars. Early last year when asked if he was returning to the galaxy far, far away in The Force Awakens. Mr. Lawson tooted his own horn pretty loudly, spouting off about how he was "too good of an actor" to just be in a supporting role again in the latest Star Wars movie.

Jacens' cousin caught up with Dennis Lawson at a charity event and was asked about his role in the upcoming film. He replied, "A leading role is all I would accept! And its about damn time Disney and Lucasfilm finally realized that. I was approached and told that the third spin-off needed my level of experience, so I agreed on the condition that Wedge will be the lead character."

So there it is ladies and gentlemen, Dennis Lawson is returning to star as Wedge Antillies in the third Star Wars anthology film, Rogue Squadron: A Star Wars Story. Also worth noting, Disney has rehired Joshua Trank to direct this film!

The film will take place between The Force Awakens and Episode VIII and will be like Top Gun in space explains Jacen's cosuin.

Stay tuned fake believers!

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